3. marts 2016

EVENT: Genre and second language academic writing: Influences and developments

Brian Paltridge fra The University of Sydney
Center for Internationalisering og Parallel Sproglighed
Bygning 25, lokale 3.07.
Fredag 13. maj 2016, 10:00 - 12:00

The notion of genre is now an extremely important one in the teaching and researching of second language academic writing. In this presentation, I trace the history of genre and genre-based teaching in the area of second language academic writing through key work that has been influential in its development. Some of this work is more theoretical in that it has contributed to the development of ways of thinking about and researching genres, while other work has been more practical in that its focus has been on the teaching and learning of genres and, in this case, the teaching of academic writing in second language settings.

Oplysninger om foredragsholder
Brian Paltridge er professor (TESOL) ved University of Sydney. Hans seneste publikationer er Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, som er redigeret i samarbejde med Aek Phakiti (Bloomsbury, 2015) og Ethnographic Perspectives on Academic Writing, skrevet i fællesskab med Sue Starfield og Christine Tardy (Oxford University Press, 2016). Paltridge har i samarbejde med Sue Starfield for nylig færdiggjort en bog, der omhandler, hvordan man får materiale publiceret i videnskabelige tidsskrifter. Paltridge er derudover, i fællesskab med Sue Starfield, redaktør af Routledge Introductions to English for Specific Purposes og af serien Routledge Research in English for Specific Purposes. Han er medredaktør af tidsskriftet TESOL Quarterly og tidligere redaktør af English for Specific Purposes

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