Language Buddy - find a volunteer that can help you speak more Danish

Language should be used where it is learned – and learned where it is used

When an international staff member starts learning Danish, it is crucial to get support from colleagues and to have a workplace that creates opportunities for using Danish at the work place. As an inspiration, CIP suggests that you find a language buddy volunteer, to help you get linguistic support and guidance from Danish speaking colleagues.

Breaking language habits with a Language Buddy 

All international staff members at the University of Copenhagen should sign up for a Danish course. In order to progress significantly in the language, it is also important to practise Danish outside the classroom. Much of the communication at UCPH is conducted in Danish, e.g. e-mails, meetings, etc. Danish is also often spoken in lunch and coffee breaks. This can be challenging for people who are learning the Danish, especially in the beginning, when it takes concerted effort to use the language. The result may be that colleagues who are learning Danish never get started on speaking Danish outside the classroom. At the same time, Danish speaking colleagues may be reluctant to force their Danish learning colleagues to speak Danish, and they may think that it is easier and quicker to communicate in English. Finding your own language buddy is a way of breaking these habits.

Becoming a language buddy for an international colleague: How to get started

As a language buddy, you support and guide a colleague who is learning Danish. Ideally, you come from the same workplace, making it easy to meet and talk together.

Your job as a language buddy is, to put it simply, to speak Danish with your Danish learning colleague at work and make sure to include them in Danish-speaking contexts. For instance, you can arrange specific times where you speak Danish with each other, and make sure that you speak Danish together in the lunch break, for example. You can also send e-mails with short questions or information in Danish.

It is important that you both have a clear understanding of what it means to be language buddies and that you often discuss your mutual expectations with each other. The language buddy idea is meant to be beneficial for both parties: the time spent together should help your Danish learning colleague to learn more Danish, but also create a good working environment in which you can learn more about each other professionally, culturally and personally.

If you are interested in voluntering as a language buddy at your workplace and would like help to get started find an international colleague who is learning Danish. Also see more Good advice about learning Danish . You can read more about how to help your international colleague to learn Danish. 

Are you learning Danish? Get help to speak Danish at work

If you find a language buddy, you have the opportunity of having a Danish speaking colleague to help you speak Danish at work. Having a language buddy is an active way of learning Danish and developing your Danish skills at work. The language buddy does not replace Danish courses, but acts as a supplement, which at the same time strengthens the collegial community at your workplace.

It is important that you both have a clear understanding of what it means to be language buddies and that you often discuss your mutual expectations with each other. The idea of a language buddy is meant to be beneficial for both parties, and in order to make this a success you both have to make an active effort to speak Danish together. Your language buddy will help and guide you by giving you the opportunity to practise your Danish, and to be corrected and guided in your Danish.

If you are looking for a language buddy and want to learn more, please contact a colleague at your workplace and read more on how to use your language buddy and speak Danish at work under Good advice on learning Danish.