Below, you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions about the certification procedure.
Registration and planning
Q: Who decides if I need to be certified for oral English proficiency?
A: The management at your programme/department decides which lecturers need to be certified.
Q: What does the certification test cost? Who pays the fee?
A: The certification test costs DKK 5.000 per lecturer. The test fee is paid by your department.
Q: How can I register for the oral English proficiency certification?
A: You can register through the electronic registration available at the CIP certification website. All three lecturers taking the test together need to be registered in the certification form. The registration has to be approved by your superior.
Q: What can I do if fewer than three lecturers from my department need to be certified?
A: Under very special circumstances, it is possible to take the certification test in a group of two or four participants. Contact cip@hum.ku.dk to find out more about your possibilities.
Q: Where and when does the certification take place?
A: The certification takes place at CIP’s facilities located at the Faculty of Humanities on Amager. Certifications are carried out on workdays either between 9 and 12 o’clock or between 13 and 16 o’clock. Certifications will not be held on: national holydays; between Christmas and New Year’s Eve; or 1 July- 15 August.
The procedure
Q: Who administers and rates the TOEPAS?
A: Trained raters from CIP who have background in second language acquisition administer and rate TOEPAS.
Q: What is the purpose of the TOEPAS?
A: The purpose of TOEPAS is oral English proficiency screening for university lecturers accompanied by formative feedback.
Q: Is TOEPAS administered at other testing facilities?
A: No, TOEPAS is only administered at CIP.
Q: Why is my performance on TOEPAS video recorded?
A: Your performance is video recorded for three purposes: (1) the video recording is part of the formative feedback you receive after the test; (2) it is used for rating purposes; and (3) it is used for rater training and test validation research.
Q: Why is it necessary to have at least three lectures in each certification session?
A: During the certification session, one lecturer gives a simulated lecture, and the other two lecturers play the role of students asking questions and interacting with the lecturer. For that purpose, it is necessary to have three lecturers in each certification session.
Result report
Q: Does the CIP certification team have a preference when it comes to British English vs. American English?
A: No, the certification team does not have a preference for specific varieties of English.
Q: Does accent affect test results?
A: No, the accent does not affect the testing outcome unless it interferes with comprehension.
Q: Is CIP capable of assessing ones English language competencies without knowledge of each discipline’s domain specific vocabulary?
A: Yes, CIP can assess English language competencies without knowledge of domain specific vocabulary because the assessment is not focused solely on vocabulary; it is rather based on different aspects of the speech performance, such as pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and signposting.
Q: When can I expect to receive the results from my certification?
A: You will receive the results in a letter no later than a month after the certification has taken place.
Q: What influences the result of the certification?
A: The teacher’s oral language proficiency is assessed and placed on an overall scale ranging from 1 to 5 with matching competency descriptions – view the assessment scale (pdf).
Q: What does the result report include?
A: The report includes a score and detailed written feedback on your speaking performance covering your strengths and weaknesses in your spoken English (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc.). It also includes a video recording of your certification performance. A certificate will be issued if you are certified for oral English proficiency.
Q: Who will receive my certification results?
A: You will receive the certification score, the written report, and the video. The head of your department will receive only the certification score.
Q: Can I discuss my certification results with CIP?
A: Yes. You can request a free follow-up conversation when you receive your results from the certification.
Q: What are the consequences if I am not certified?
A: CIP is only responsible for performing the certification. Therefore you need to discuss the consequences of the certification with your superior.
Q: How can CIP help you if you are not certified?
A: Lecturers who are not certified will receive recommendations on how to develop their competencies at CIP. Furthermore, all lecturers are offered a free follow-up conversation.
Q: If I am not certified, can I take the TOEPAS again?
A: Additionally, it is possible to be recertified. Participants who are to be recertified will be offered a recertification carried out in connection with a real teaching situation. This means that the CIP certification team will observe and video record a real teaching situation undertaken by the lecturer who is being recertified.
Q: What is the cost of re-certification?
A: Re-certification is offered at a reduced price of DKK. 2.000.