Academic Literacies: Writing in the Disciplines
On Thursday 29 October 2015, CIP's annual symposium titled "Academic literacies: Writing in the Disciplines" took place.
The aim of the annual CIP symposium is to discuss central issues regarding the use of languages at universities and work places.
This year, we focus on how students learn the writing skills required within their disciplines. Around a hundred participants from far and near had signed up for this year's CIP Symposium. Throughout the day, the participants took part in the debate that was generated from the three presentations and the panel discussion.
Exploring Argumentation and Writing in the Disciplines: The Roles of Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in Acquiring L2 Academic Literacy

Alan Hirvela, Ohio State University
- Read short description
- Read abstract
- Download PPT-presentation (pdf)
- See presentation: Welcome by Anne Holmen and presentation by Alan Hirvela (10:00-11:05)
She’s a good writer, so she should do fine at university, right?

Diane Schmitt, Nottingham Trent University
- Read short description
- Download PPT-presentation (pdf)
- Download documents (pdf)
- See presentation by Diane Schmitt (11:15-12:15)
Improving students’ writing skills in the course Introduction to Epidemiology
Katja Årosin Laursen, CIP, UCPH

Katja Årosin Laursen, CIP, Københavns Universitet
- Read abstract
- Read short description
- Download PPT-presentation (pdf)
- See presentation by Katja Årosin Laursen (13:00-14:00)
How do we strengthen the academic writing of the students in practice?
Panel discussion with guest speakers from the University of Copenhagen
P. Rattleff, A. Hirvela, K. Årosin Laursen, A. Homen, D. Schmitt & S. M. de Oliveira
Panel guests:
”Deliberate Practice”: Can we draw inspiration for the teaching of writing from the training practices of violinists, ballet dancers and football players
Dino Knudsen, the Saxo Institute, UCPH
New ways of developing students’ academic writing skills at the Faculty of Humanities
Pernille Rattleff, TEACH, UCPH
Improving team projects through collaborative writing exercises
Sandi Michele de Oliveira, Dept of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, UCPH
See presentation from the panel debate (14:30-16:00) (Panel debate starting at approx. 28:00)
CIP would like to thank presenters and participants for an exciting and fruitful day. We look forward to welcoming you at the 2016 symposium where we are going to continue our focus on academic literacies and have a further look at academic reading skills.
See and download the full programme of the symposium as well as the invitation and abstracts:
Programme and invitation (PDF)