4. Administrative services to support inclusion

The UCPH language policy consists of 10 sections divided into principles on "Language and employees" and "Language and students". Below you can find our take on the principle 4.2. regarding the responsibility of UCPH to support and carry out high quality translation of content.

Principle 4.2

All major administrative IT systems with a broad internal target group must have Danish and English user interfaces just as internal auto or standard replies from shared mailboxes, etc. must be written in both Danish and English.






As the principle states, all major administrative IT systems at UCPH should have both a Danish and an English user interface, as is the case with the intranet KU-net, the reimbursement system RejsUd, and exam administrative system, Digital Exam.

However, the systems that were developed many years ago and originally targeted primary users with the same language background are only available in one language. If this cannot be changed, it is important to ensure that guidance and support are available in both Danish and English. This is the responsibility of the unit providing the system.

The second point of the principle addresses the fact that online requests and inquiries to the university can come from external parties or internal staff members with various language backgrounds other than Danish. In such cases, it is important to ensure that auto or standard replies from shared mailboxes come in both Danish and English so that all recipients can understand the meaning of the message.



UCPH has a responsibility to ensure that all IT systems are accessible in the relevant languages. However, if this is not possible, it is necessary to support use of the IT system by providing clear guidance in both Danish and English for all systems, as well as referring to contact persons or support functions.

The responsibility to ensure standard replies from shared mailboxes in both Danish and English lies with each unit, as this is part of the parallel language policy of the university.

Here, it can be helpful to look for translations in the translation toolboxes available for all staff members at UCPH (see principle 4.1). You can find more information on the internal KU-net.



CIP offers translation services especially from Danish to English. If you’re interested in knowing more about what we offer at CIP and our prices, please contact us at cip@hum.ku.dk or by phone +45 35 32 86 39.