TAEC project publishes EMI handbook
The partners behind the Erasmus+ project "Transnational Alignment of English Competences for University Lecturers" (TAEC) is now publishing a handbook on the use of the teaching approaches, language uses, and intercultural communication (ICC) in English medium instruction (EMI) contexts at non-Anglophone universities.
The EMI-handbook focuses on how teachers can implement EMI in their teaching, taking into consideration the local classroom characteristics and educational culture.
The primary audiences of the handbook are EMI lecturers and EMI trainers who would like to become aware of the characteristics of the EMI teaching context. The handbook is intended for use as a self-reference guide or as a supplement in EMI teacher training programs.
The handbook does not offer standardized solutions to the challenges and the dilemmas in the EMI classroom. Instead, it offers examples, possibilities, and guidelines that help readers make informed decisions for their own context.
All materials have been developed on empirical data from EMI classrooms and have been tested and adjusted with EMI lecturers from universities in the countries of the project participants: Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Croatia.
As the TAEC project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, interested users are free to share, copy, redistribute and build upon this work provided that a clear reference to the source is given, which is: TAEC Erasmus+ project (2017-2020)
The partners behind the TAEC project
The EMI handbook is the latest result from the TAEC-project being carried out from September 2017 - April 2020 by five European universities. In January 2020 the partners had their last projet meeting in Brussels where they were discussing the distribution of the EMI handbook as well as the possibility to continue the good cooperation after the ending of the project.
You can read more about the TAEC project and find the EMI handbook for download here.
Read more about TAEC

Find the EMI handbook on the project website