25 June 2024

Danish language skills for international staff

CIP is delighted to be featured in the International Staff Mobility’s (ISM) newsletter. The article zooms in on our Danish language courses for staff at the UCPH. They highlight the fact that our courses are meticulously tailored to address the needs and language proficiency levels of each participant. Read the article about CIP in ISM’s newsletter

The ISM article underscores the importance of our Danish courses for international staff. Our Danish courses not only facilitate effective communication to meet the UCPH language policy requirements but also contribute to a more inclusive and diverse academic environment. As one of our previous participants expressed it:

"The enthusiasm from the instructor is palpable and this permeates throughout the entire course, creating an empathetic and safe space for not only learning Danish as a language but gaining important cultural insights as well."

If you want to know more about CIP’s language courses for university staff, please visit KU-net: Language courses Danish and English.
