6 June 2024

New free workshops in 2024

CIP offers a number of exciting workshops in 2024. These workshops focus on English language usage and presentation techniques, and all UCPH employees are welcome to participate.

The purpose of these workshops is to give participants valuable knowledge that can be applied in their work at the university, while also providing a glimpse of what CIP has to offer. For those interested in exploring a topic further, they have the opportunity to take CIP’s Danish and English courses.

In April 2024, we conducted the ‘Presentation Skills Workshop’, where participants learnt how to convey their message to an audience efficiently. Given its popularity, we intend to host it again next year.

The workshop ‘Word Buddies: Mastering the Art of Perfect Pairings’, took place on 14 June 2024. This workshop focused on identifying the perfect word combinations in English to enhance language proficiency.

Additionally, we have one English workshop lined up:

Again this year, we will also conduct the 'English Punctuation Workshop', which offers insights into the correct usage of commas, semicolons, and other English punctuation rules. The workshop will be held on 6 December 2024. You can read more in the information about the previous year’s workshop.

We welcome your suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to reach out to CIP with your ideas!
