Whether you are an academic or administrative staff member and whether you would like to improve your writing, oral language skills or a third aspect of your professional language use, CIP can provide a course that meets your needs.
Language courses
CIP provides language skills development primarily targeted staff and students at the University of Copenhagen. The majority of our courses are Danish or English courses tailored to meet the needs and language level of the participants. We also offer courses in other languages, e.g. German, French or Spanish for staff at the University of Copenhagen upon request.
In addition to running courses targeted staff the University of Copenhagen; CIP also has experience in developing and teaching courses for partners outside the university. This includes educational institutions as well as public and private organisations and companies. Find more information about CIP's course activities for our main target groups and click on the registration pages below, where you will also find practical information about courses at CIP.
Contact CIP
Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel language use
University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Humanities
Emil Holms Kanal 4
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Location: 4th Floor in building 23.
Telephone: + 45 35 32 86 39
Email: cip@hum.ku.dk