CIP's activities and the UCPH Strategy 2023

A cut-out from the officia front page of the UCPH strategy 2023, Talent and Collaboration.

The UCPH Strategy 2023 is divided into four special focus areas, which are to varying degrees supported by CIP's activities. CIP contributes primarily through its focus on establishing a culture of parallel language use at UCPH and through developing language skills for both Danish and international students and staff.

Parallel language use is the road to success

A multilingual academic culture and a high level of language skills amongst lecturers and students will serve to attract foreign researchers and lecturers as well as improve conditions for current and future foreign students and staff. Creating an international environment at UCPH also considerably enhances contact to and dialogue with other scientific institutions, leading to an increase in amount and quality of knowledge exchange. In addition, a high level of language competence will prepare students at UCPH for participating in an international environment at a future workplace.

Below are listed the UCPH Strategy 2023 areas that CIP's activities might help realise: