Registration and admission for language courses 2025

You can register for the language course in German or French by completing our online registration form no later than 16 June 2025.

No later than 14 days after we have received your registration, you will receive a link to a short language self-evaluation, which should be completed as soon as possible after you receive the link.

We use the language self-evaluation to assign students to the right class for their level. You will be notified as to which class you have been assigned to no later than the end of June.

There are 15-20 places in each class. We process registrations on a first come, first served basis under the prioritised categories below, with the proviso that students without the necessary language qualifications will not be allowed to participate on the course. You may be asked to confirm your registration after receiving a spot in a class. Waiting lists will be set up as required. Students on the waiting list will be notified directly no later than the beginning of July if a place becomes available.

More information about rooms etc. will be sent out in end of June/beginning of July.

Admission requirements

Applicants will be assigned open spots on a first-come-first-served-basis within the following prioritised categories:

1. Students with an approved credit-bearing period of study abroad through the University of Copenhagen*

2. Students who have applied for, but doesn't yet have confirmation of, a full credit-bearing period of study abroad through the University of Copenhagen*

3. Students interested in applying for full credit-bearing period of study abroad through the University of Copenhagen*

* i.e. an Erasmus exchange programme, a place at a foreign university with an exchange agreement with UCPH or a full credit-bearing internship, or a period of study in a country where the language is spoken, or at a university or for an internship where German or French is used in addition to English.

In addition, applicants must have a minimum level of A2 on the CEFR scale in the language to be eligible to participate on the course. We therefore reserve the right to reject students who are only at a beginner's level in French or German. Please note that some knowledge of Danish is preferable, since some teaching might take place in Danish.

The courses are free for students enrolled at the University of Copenhagen and who fulfil the admission requirements.

Students who are enrolled on current university language programmes in German or French are not eligible for the courses.

Students are expected to attend all classes on the course. A course certificate will be awarded to participants attending a minimum of 80% of classes.