1. Employees' English-language skills

The UCPH language policy consists of 10 sections with principles divided into "Language and employees" and "Language and students". Below you can find our take on the principle 1.2 regarding Employees' English-language skills.

Principle 1.2

When recruiting new employees, the expectation of English-language proficiency must always be clearly stated in the job advert.


Principle 1.1 in the language policy states that all employees at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) must have English-language skills that match the level of English necessary to perform their job and to participate in general work-related activities. Principle 1.2 points out that it is vital that this expectation be communicated clearly in job adverts.

Prospective employees cannot be expected to know the UCPH’s language policy in detail when applying for a job or being interviewed for a position. It is therefore vital that expectations regarding language are communicated clearly in job adverts and during job interviews.



For some applicants, the prospect of having to work in English and perhaps be asked to improve their English language skills will seem like a daunting task. For others, being invited to work in English will be seen as a welcome and exciting opportunity. No matter what the starting point is, it will be important to clarify mutual expectations regarding the use of English as early as possible in the recruitment and hiring process. These expectations are best established with a clear statement in the job advert regarding the English language skills required for the job and the type of tasks that are to be performed in English.

In addition to making English language requirements explicit, it is equally important for management to explain what the requirements entail, why the requirements are there in the first place, and how they can be fulfilled in practice. This will naturally involve stipulating what kind of support and services prospective and current employees can expect to help them improve their English.

It might not be possible to describe all this in detail in a job advert, but it would be quite possible to refer to a page on the department website or similar detailing, for example, how English language learning is supported and organized within the department.

Such a webpage would also be a good place to explain and/or give examples of what it means to have “language skills that match the level of English necessary to perform one’s job and to participate in general work-related activities.” Very few members of staff – if any – are in practice expected to be equally proficient in all language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and domains (contexts) of English use. Therefore, it is important to identify and present the communicative skills necessary to enable employees to participate fully and confidently in various communicative situations and to carry out tasks at their workplace.





At CIP, we offer advice on how to set out English language requirements for new employees, what might represent adequate evidence of English proficiency for a particular job, and what kind of implications such requirements may have for the different stakeholders (e.g., management, employees, students). In addition, we offer advice on how best to communicate to prospective members of staff the multilingual language context at UCPH and the challenges and opportunities this presents.

We also offer the Test of Oral English Proficiency for Academic Staff (TOEPAS) and a range of English language courses designed to address the specific communicative needs of employees in a range of job functions at the university, whether in admin or research. If your English language needs are not covered by any of our open courses, we also develop tailor-made courses, both for individuals and groups, based on the needs and wants of the participants.

If you’re interested in knowing more about what we offer at CIP, please contact us at cip@hum.ku.dk or +45 35 32 86 39.