Danish as a second language

CIP research into teaching Danish as a second language examines how staff and students at UCPH who do not have Danish as their native language use and learn Danish. The need to enhance our knowledge about Danish as a second language has grown in line with the increased internationalisation of the university and the desire to retain researchers and students in Denmark.

Research areas

At CIP, we are interested in shedding light on the kind of Danish that different employees and students use and learn, why they do this and how this is done. We are also interested in being able to assess the effects of the Danish teaching they receive, and to find out whether organising the teaching in particular ways, for example, planning it around a working day or study programme, can promote language acquisition.


Studies of staff’s Danish typically focus on their performance of specific work functions such as teaching, administration and personnel management, but may also relate to their career and increasing opportunities to participate in their workplace's internal communication and meetings. Studies of students’ Danish are focused on how language skills affect academic learning and social contact, including participation in classroom teaching, study groups, etc. and in internships and professionally oriented courses.





































Photo Anne Holmen
Anne Holmen is director of CIP and the only professor in parallel language use in Denmark. You are welcome to contact Anne if you want to know more about the work with Danish as a second language at CIP. Find more information at Annes staff profile.

Photo Janus Mortensen
Associate professor Janus Mortensen from CIP has worked with various language policy perspectives on Danish as a second language. Find more information at Janus' staff profile.