
The Language Strategy makes the following recommendations based on a careful assessment of the experiences and results produced: Copenhagen University should:

  1. As part of an overarching university language policy, develop a language strategy specifically targeted to education with input and interaction from the individual faculties.
  2. Offers integration of language into the University’s study programs where relevant.
  3. Prioritize content teachers’ foreign language competencies.
  4. Prioritize content teachers’ pedagogic competencies in regard to teaching through a foreign language.
  5. Gives particular attention to targeted educational initiatives within:
    1. Academic Danish and English (all faculties)
    2. German, French, and eventually other foreign languages (specifically at the faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences, Theology, Law)

At their regular meeting on May 30, 2018, Copenhagen University’s management team expressed support for the five recommendations, which will be included in future strategy work.