Projects with a focus on reading skills in foreign languages

Access to knowledge is the foundation of all education, and language provides a crucial means of access. However, access can be restricted by insufficient language proficiency. Plato presented his ideas in Greek, but if one has no knowledge of Ancient Greek, the only option is to read his works translated into Danish or English. Reading a translated version of one of Plato’s texts is not the same as reading the original, however. It is rather like reading the translator’s interpretation of the text. Texts should ideally be read in the original language in order for the message to be conveyed as intended. Language proficiency is thus an important educational competence.

Eight of the Language Strategy projects focused on reading skills in a number of foreign languages. By focusing exclusively on reading strategies, it is in fact possible to improve considerably in a relatively short time, and reading skills can be incorporated into an existing course.

Reading skills in languages other than English

  • Reading skills in German for Theology
  • Reading skills in German and French for Philosophy
  • Reading skills in Ancient Greek for Philosophy students
  • Reading skills in ancient Greek inscriptions for History students
  • Reading skills in medieval Latin for History students
  • Reading skills in French and German for students of Comparative Literature
  • Development of literacy courses in French, Italian and German

Students usually have excellent reading skills in general English but struggle with complex academic texts and consequently spend an unnecessary amount of time deciphering these types of texts. Four of the Language Strategy projects have focused specifically on making students aware of the reading process and introducing useful strategies.

Reading skills in academic English

  • Reading skills in English for Pedagogy
  • Reading skills in English for students of History
  • Reading strategies for first-semester Political Science
  • Critical reading skills of scientific articles in English for Medicine

If you need more detailed information about the pilot projects, you may find it in Danish on our Danish website ( ), or you may contact the Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use at