
The background for the TAEC project can be found in the internationalisation of European universities during the last 20 years which has led to a rapid increase of English-medium Instruction (EMI) programs and courses across Europe. 

Though EMI har been developed to increase student, teacher and researcher mobility, its fast growth has raised concerns regarding the oral English language compenteces of non-native English speaking lecturers and the implications for the quality of teaching and learning. Consequently, lecturers' English proficiency is under scrunity and universities are developing policies for quality assurance, which are enforced by implementation of internal language assessments procedures and EMI teacher training.

Thus far, assessment and EMI teacher training procedures such as these have been developed and used only locally, at institutional level. Therefore, the innovative purpose of this project is to improve the transparency in terms of how to reach and assess lecturers' language competences and teaching qualificatons in order to establish their transnational recognition. 

In other words, this project supports the implementation and development of a transparent, common framework, which can assure instructional quality and language support for lecturers in various EMI contexts across Europe. 

As the project has just ended, a more elaborated description of the project results is in progress and will follow shortly.