Project objectives
The objectives of this project have been to:
- identify and differentiate between the transnational and the local administrative, instructural and language needs of EMI programmes at partner universities
- align a localy-used assessment scale (the TOEPAS at UCPH) with Council of Europe's CEFR, which will allow for standardization of results
- develop an EMI handbook and
- raise awareness among stakeholders.
The long-term objective of this project is to provide the groundwork for an EMI framework for quality assurance which could be applicable across European universities beyond the partner universities involved in the project.
The TAEC project consitsted of seven inter-related work packages, all of which were integral parts of the project cycle. The project management and quality assurance were led by the UCPH while the partners were responsible for dissemination and sustainability. Each of the three work packages related to the three main outcomes of the project (EMI framework, alignment to the CEFR scale and EMI handbook) was managed by a different partner university, though supported by representatives from all partner universities.
Co-funded by Erasmus+
The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union